Reimbursement Procedures
Applying for Reimbursement: The first opportunity to seek reimbursement for qualifying tuition expenses begins upon successful completion of the first full year of post-secondary studies. Completion of the first year must be accomplished within 13 months from high school graduation.
Procedures & Documentation: Obtaining reimbursement under the
program is a relatively simple two step process.
Within 30 days of completion of your first year of course work, and within 30 days of completion of each subsequent year, forward to:
COLEG Plan Administrator at P.O. Box 74, Lancaster, MN 56735-0074 or email:
1. A copy of your transcript(s) which support the fact that you have completed a full load of classes (as defined by your institution of learning) and maintained a minimum 2.0 of equivalent) GPA; and
2. Copies of your institution's tuition and fees receipts for each grading period completed.*
If all time-requirements are met and your supporting documents are appropriate, the lesser of your tuition and fees paid, or that portion of your total scholarship award prorated to the portion of your program of learning completed, will be paid to you within 30 days.
If you plan on speeding up completion of your program by attending summer school or your program of learning includes internship requirements beyond regularly scheduled course work, please advise the program administrator in advance so the administrator can adjust prorating of your award. This information will never reduce the total amount you are reimbursed, but could increase it if your tuition and fees are low compared to your total award.
Multiyear Awards: Unless otherwise states, all awards are multiyear awards in which you will receive up to one fourth of your total award upon successful completion of year year. All documentation, procedures, and other requirements listed above which cover a single year reimbursement period also apply to multiyear awards.
Appeal Procedure: If you are denied reimbursement by the plan administrator and you do not agree with this, you may file an appeal in writing sent to the plan administrator stating your reasons for disagreement. This appeal must be sent no later than 30 days after you receive notice of denial. If the plan administrator denies your appeal, it will be automatically forwarded for consideration by the full board of directors for the COLEG and their decision will be final.
*Expenses that qualify under the program are tuition and books required by the institution. This program does not cover other fees, computer hardware or software, room, board or other miscellaneous charges.
Non-Continuous Enrollment Covering Multiyear Awards: A multiyear award recipient must satisfy the first year requirement (completion within 13 months of High School graduation) just like single year reimbursement designees. Once that requirement is met, the multiyear award recipient is eligible o apply for reimbursement in each of the subsequent periods outlined at the time of the award. Continuous enrollment is not a requirement once the initial first year requirement is met.
For example, if a multiyear recipient received an award covering years two through four, not attending or applying for reimbursement during year two would not affect eligibility for the remaining periods (years three and four). Likewise, if the recipient did not attend either year two or three, they would still be eligible for year four.
Regardless of the reason for absence, as long as the full-time enrollment and cumulative "C" average or better requirements are met, the multiyear award recipient remains eligible for the specified period. Eligibility periods are outlined at the time of the award and furnished to each successful applicant individually.
Under no circumstances will the eligibility periods designated at the time of the award be extended. In other words, not attending during a year/s of the eligibility period will not have the affect of extending the time for reimbursement. For example, if a multiyear award recipient chooses not attend school during year 3, the ability to receive reimbursement for that period is forfeited. However, the ability to receive reimbursement during year 4 remains intact, providing the initial award designated the recipient was eligible in year 4. And, of course providing all other requirements are met.Important Note: The COLEG Tuition Reimbursement Program is supervised by the board of directors of the Community of Lancaster Education Group. They reserve the right to alter the program, eligibility or the award procedure. At their complete discretion, they may also discontinue any and all awards at any time and for any reason.
The membership of the Community of Lancaster Education Group is committed to higher education for the benefit of our students and the community of Lancaster. However, regulations and tax implications relative to nonprofit corporations such as COLEG make it imperative that rules of eligibility and disbursement procedures are strictly followed. The Board of Directors of COLEG and its members are intent on maintaining this nonprofit status and will do everything within their charter and operating procedures to comply with these requirements.
If you need clarification about any aspect of the program rules and eligibility, do not hesitate to contact the program administrator as soon as possible. While every attempt will be made to provide answers, the deadlines and program rules will not be altered based upon a question that accompanies requests for reimbursement. If there is any doubt on the part of the applicant, this clarification should be requested well in advance of impending time limits for reimbursement.