Timeline of Activities

Graduating seniors are informed of eligibility and application requirements of the COLEG Tuition Reimbursement Program.

April 1, is the deadline for receiving contributions from individuals/organizations for named "scholarships" for the current graduating class.

April 1, is also the deadline for applications from graduating seniors to submit a request to be considered for the COLEG Tuition Reimbursement Program.

A board of directors meeting is held on the second Tuesday following the 15th of the month, normally at 7pm. This meeting's primary purpose is to determine what moneys are available for current year's "scholarships".

At the above meeting, the board of directors will determine the dollar amount of all "scholarships" to be awarded at graduation, along with the number of years these awards will be available to the successful recipient. These decisions will be provided to the chairperson of the Selection Committee who will be responsible for determining which applicants will receive the awards.

The annual meeting of the membership is held on Tuesday the week of commencement. This meeting includes a report from the Secretary and Treasurer of the organization.   Elections will also be conducted to fill any expiring terms of members of the board of directors.  The meeting starts at7:00pm and is held at the Lancaster City Hall. 

Following the annual meeting, the board of director's meet. The Selection Committee will report on COLEG "scholarships" to be awarded at commencement. The meeting also serves to determine what will take place in terms of the coming year's fund raising efforts and annual membership drive.